Music Wonderland
Ages of Children: 3 years old
Develop foundation for musical ability by nurturing listening skills. Introduce musical expression through age appropriate singing, playing and rhythm activities.
Junior Music Course (JMC)
Ages of Children: 4 - 5 years old
Course length: 2 years
Class schedule: One class per week
The in-class musical experiences nurture creativity and help instill the basis for playing and expression through feeling and understanding music.
Young Musician's Course
Ages of Children: 6 - 8 years old
Course length: 2 years
Class schedule: One class per week
Private Lessons: Optional
Musicianship is taught through the use of a keyboard. Upon completion of the course your child may take the Yamaha Grade Examination and receive a certificate of achievement. Students may continue in one of Yamaha's advanced courses. As skills develop, children are encouraged to compose and perform their own music.
Junior Extension Course
Ages of Children: 6 - 7 years old
Qualifications: Graduate of the Yamaha Junior Music Course
Course length: 2 years
Class schedule: One class per week
Private Lessons: Optional
The Junior Extension Course will build on the skills and musicality developed in the Junior Music Course, and capitalize on the physical, mental and emotional development of 6-7 year olds.
Keyboard Encounters Kids
Ages of Children: 7 - 9 years old
Keyboard Encounters Kids is a group music program tailored to kids 7-9 years old, a great age for learning how to play the piano.
Classes feature music reading, ensemble playing and singing - with an emphasis on having fun! Kids begin playing the very first day.
Keyboard Encounters
Keyboard Encounters is an innovative course of piano-style instruction where tradition and technology meet in harmony. Geared towards people 10 years of age to adult and with the emphasis on hands-on learning supported by the Yamaha Clavinova™ digital piano, Keyboard Encounters provides an ideal setting in which to develop your musical creativity. Keyboard Encounters is a proven and successful music course that has helped thousands to learn to play and enjoy the piano.
To schedule a free preview class please call: (818) 990-0098